Welcome to the Library of Alexandria
This website serves as a portfolio of work completed during my graduate Professional and Technical Writing program at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Pieces in this portfolio demonstrate mastery in my field and completion of the following program objectives:
demonstrating mastery of my craft through attention to detail
analyzing a wide range of rhetorical situations and creating documents that will work best in each particular situation
using technology effectively to create and deliver persuasive, informative, engaging texts and explore technologies as rhetorical contexts
understanding the history and major theories of my profession; knowing how the rules of my craft were shaped and how they are changing
conducting primary and secondary research that will add to knowledge in my field
participating in the profession beyond the classroom
conducting myself as a professional at all times, representing the profession well
Library Navigation
Here is an overview of this website ("library") and its contents:
About Me
This section contains a short bio with a button that links to a PDF of my resume in a different window. If you select Resume from the drop-down, you will also find a webpage containing my resume. If you select Coursework from the drop-down, you will find a webpage containing a list of courses I took in my graduate and undergraduate studies.
This section contains an introduction describing my experience with theory in the program and displays hyperlinks to the Rhetorical Theory and Language Theory subpages. Or you can select either subpage from the drop-down. The Rhetorical Theory subpage displays a reflection about a collection of short essays I wrote for the class that can be viewed in separate window by clicking the View Essays button at the top of the page. The Language Theory subpage displays a description of journal entries that I wrote for the class. Below the description is a blog that contains the journal entries. You can click on a post's title or image to view the blog post in full. From the blog post, you can click the Return to Language Theory Webpage button or click the back arrow on your browser to return to the Language Theory subpage.
Style Guides
This section contains an introduction explaining style guides and displays links to the Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) and The Good Grid (TGG) subpages. Or you can view either of these pages by selecting them from the drop-down menu. On each subpage, I outline the project rather than provide a description. I also include buttons that will take you to either the project proposal memo, the style manual, or the project reflection (manual cover piece). The buttons open PDFs of each document in a separate window.
Written Procedures
This section contains an introduction describing written procedures, including links to the BCBS and TGG subpages. Or you can select these subpages from the drop-down menu. Each subpages includes a project outline and a View Manual button that displays the manual sample as a PDF in a separate window.
This section contains an introduction to my research, including links to subpages for my Preparing to Freelance and Research Methods classes. You can also view these subpages by selecting them from the drop-down menu. Each subpage contains a project outline and a button to view the work sample as a PDF in a separate window.
This section contains an introduction to freelancing with a link to the project subpage. Or you can select Freelance Website from the drop-down menu to view the project outline and a button that will take you to my freelance website in another window. I chose to place this button at the bottom of the page rather than the top to help avoid confusion so that my audience would read about the project first before clicking over to another website.
Style Sheet
To view my style sheet for the website, click the View Style Sheet button below.
Many thanks to all professors in the UALR Rhetoric and Writing Department who have contributed to my success in this program. I extend my sincerest gratitude to my portfolio committee members:
Dr. Cindy Nahrwold, Chair
Dr. Sherry Robertson
Dr. Earnest Cox
“Without Knowledge, Skill cannot be focused. Without Skill, Strength cannot be brought to bear and without Strength, Knowledge may not be applied.” -- Alexander The Great